#Endnote x9 import edit references update#
In Word, use the EndNote Update Citations and Bibliography command (or the Format Bibliography command in earlier versions of Word) to reformat the references in your document using the amended output style. To save changes go to File>Save As and give the style a new name eg. Uncheck the box that reads Use initials only for primary authors with the same name. On the left-hand side again, under Citations, select Author Name.
#Endnote x9 import edit references full#
Uncheck the box that reads Include author initials or full name in citation. On the left-hand side, under Citations, select Ambiguous Citations.

In EndNote, click on Edit>Output Styles, and then select Edit "".

If you do not want EndNote to put any initials in citations in the text of your document, you can edit the output style to turn off this feature. Edit the Output Style to Remove All Initials in Citations in the Text The best solution is to copy the name from one of the references, and paste it into the other reference(s) to ensure that the names are identical.ģ. For example, there may be a space at the end of the name in one of the references. Ensure that the authors are entered in identical fashion, but sometimes the differences are difficult to detect. J." in one reference in your library, and as "Williams, Susan J." in another reference, EndNote will not be able to recognize that these are the same author.Ģ. If the author is entered as "Williams, S. Check that all publications by the same author in your EndNote library have the author's name entered in the same format.

With the exception of the reference type «Generic» you can rename and decide which fields should be included in each reference type. Use the drop-down menu in the upper part of the dialog to select which reference type is the default.Select «Preferences» from the «EndNote X9»-menu.You can decide for yourself which reference type should come up by default when you manually enter a reference or import references that do not have a reference type defined. ( See more on styles.) Define the default reference type One of the great advantages of distinguishing between different reference types is the possibility to format the references from the different types differently based on the layout of the style used. This should provide enough opportunities for most needs to distinguish between material types and information about them. The program comes with 58 reference types, each containing up to 51 fields. EndNote can keep references to different types of material apart by registering the references as different reference types.